On April 2nd 2025, OCBG will be running another School Book Swap at St Swithin’s School, Kennington.
To find out more about holding a Book Swap, please click here for some useful advice.
We can offer one more Book Swap this academic year, during the Summer term. Please make contact if you are interested.
Our next Storyfest Conference will take place at The Story Museum on October 11th 2025 9:30am to 2:00pm.
Our OCBG conference is a wonderful opportunity to meet authors and illustrators and learn more about the power of reading, so don’t miss it!
The Oxford Children’s Book Group (OCBG) has been organising events for children and adults in Oxfordshire for over twenty years. We are a diverse group of local parents, teachers, librarians, students, authors, illustrators, publishers and bookworms of all ages who are all interested in children’s literature.
OCBG is part of the Federation of Children’s Book Groups (registered charity No. 268289), which aims to promote a love of reading and of literature in children all over the country. The Federation was set up to promote enjoyment and interest in both children’s literature and reading itself, and to encourage the availability of a range of literature for all ages, from pre-school to teenagers.

Locally, we have links with schools, playgroups, publishers, libraries, and other official bodies. We aim to provide a meeting point for parents, professionals, and everyone who shares our commitment to bringing books into the hands of children everywhere.
In Oxford we hold at the very least one child-centered public book event each term, along with plenty of private events at member schools all over the county. We also organise storytellings, library sessions, and other family-friendly events.

Join Oxford Children’s Book Group
We always welcome new members – with or without children, and children’s literature lovers of any age. Fresh ideas and suggestions as to what activities we could do are always encouraged!
The Group aims to promote a love of books from a young age, and supports reading initiatives in the community, as well as getting books into the hands of those who might not otherwise have them.
Schools and other groups also benefit greatly from joining as all member schools have the chance to receive author or illustrator visits or other book events organised by us – often for no additional cost.
Just by joining the group you will help to provide exciting events for children all over Oxfordshire, but if you would like to get involved in the committee, we would love to welcome you. Pop along to any of the adult-centered events, or drop us an email.
Membership runs October-October each year, and now costs one flat rate of £15 per year for individuals, schools and groups and includes:
- National FCBG newsletters
- Oxford CBG newsletters
- Free local author events
- Member’s discount for local and national conferences
- Author events in your school
Please contact us for more information, or download the membership form to join now and help to provide exciting events for children all over Oxfordshire.
Have you had a look at our OCBG Facebook page? Please visit us there and hopefully you will feel inspired to press the LIKE button!
Thank you!